On Thu, Mar 2, 2023 at 12:53 PM David A. Wheeler <dwhee...@dwheeler.com>

> 2. The text just runs off to the right, instead of going over multiple
> lines, making long ones unreadable. That's important but easy for the
> non-MathML case (just a little CSS), though I don't know how hard that is
> for MathML/MathJax.

This is a pretty fundamental problem with MathJax style displays, and I
don't have a good solution. LaTeX generally isn't great about automatic
line breaking inside mathematics, but metamath routinely involves very
large formulas, so although this looks good for the mid-sized examples the
large ones really suffer. A related issue is that mathjax isn't really able
to cope with having thousands of large and complex formulas on a page and
the CPU time / draw time really spikes on some of the examples. For MM0 I'm
planning to mostly just sidestep this issue by using ASCII-first displays,
perhaps using unicode or programming fonts with ligatures but not much
more. That way line breaking is limited to just pretty printing which can
feasibly be written with a handcrafted JS library.

> 3. I think it's important we support existing URLs. That's easy with
> pregeneration, just rename to taste. If this is dynamically generated, that
> would require some changes to support the .html endings *and* support
> returning static pages.

I don't think this will be difficult no matter what we do, since we can set
up all the necessary routing in nginx. I am not above potentially making
mpegif redirect to mpeuni though (or a future URL scheme), or serving only
dynamic pages for deprecated formats. I think we should try to make
https://us.metamath.org/mpeuni/areacirc.html link to a theorem about the
area of a circle in perpetuity but not necessarily serving exactly the same
HTML as it does today.

> 4. This one omits many of the capabilities of the metamath-exe generator,
> e.g., compare with <https://us.metamath.org/mpeuni/areacirc.html>. That
> includes:
>   Distinct variable group:   𝑥,𝑦,𝑅
>   Allowed substitution hints:   𝑆(𝑥,𝑦)
>   Colors of variables (off, setvar, class) ... this one isn't as important
> to me & would be a lot of work, so I'm not fussy there.
>   Syntax hints (with links to them)
>   List of axioms used (with links)
>   List of definitions used (with links)
>   List of theorems that reference it (with links)

By the way (and I realize this wasn't directed at both tools), mm-web-rs
was designed explicitly as a carbon copy replacement for metamath-exe
generation, and supports all of these things. (Thierry's generator as I
understand it is more of an exploration of what we could have if we break
with the traditional format.) IIRC if you open them in a browser side by
side the result is identical except for distinct variable groups, which use
a different (arguably better) heuristic for collecting $d pairs into
cliques. (Exact clique cover is an NP hard problem, though, so some amount
of approximation is required.) I think the variable coloring heuristic uses
some hard-coded typecode names so it is not suitable for general databases;
there are actually quite a few aspects of the web site generator that are
tailored for set.mm which should probably use $t commands instead.

I would link an example here, but I'm not sure where to host it. On that
note, we might consider a place on the main website for experimental stuff
now that us2 is down. Do you know if there is a spot which already works
for this? I'm thinking of some place where it is safe to just drop files
and have them persisted across website builds, with a URL that implies that
they may go offline at any time.

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