The ∀𝑎 ∈ (Base‘𝑔) expression, or in ascii syntax "A. a e. (Base`g)" is
the beginning of the restricted forall quantifier "A. x e. A ph" where you
have highlighted just the "A. x e. A" part. It is read "for all x in A,
..." and denotes that some property "ph" holds for every x such that x e. A
holds. In this case, the property in question is the remainder of the
expression ∃𝑚 ∈ (Base‘𝑔)(𝑚(+g‘𝑔)𝑎) = (0g‘𝑔). In words, the expression
says this:

The class "Grp" is defined to be the set of all *g* in "Mnd" (i.e. *g*
being a monoid) such that for all *a* in the base set (carrier) of *g*,
there exists some *m* in the base set of *g* such that *m* + *a* = 0, where
+ and 0 are the monoid operations on *g*.

On Wed, May 31, 2023 at 7:46 PM Humanities Clinic <> wrote:

> Please pardon me for this rather basic question.
> I have read, especially on the
> sections "The Axioms", "The Theory of Classes". I have basic knowledge on
> set theory and classical logic, so I understand all the black symbols in
> prepositional and predicate, but I still find it difficult to understand
> some expressions in definitions.
> For example, in
> Grp = {𝑔 ∈ Mnd ∣ ∀𝑎 ∈ (Base‘𝑔)∃𝑚 ∈ (Base‘𝑔)(𝑚(+g‘𝑔)𝑎) = (0g‘𝑔)}
> I know that Mnd, Base, +g, 0g etc. are all classes. But I don't get what
> it means for ∀𝑎 ∈ (Base‘𝑔) to be next to  ∃𝑚 ∈ (Base‘𝑔)(𝑚(+g‘𝑔)𝑎)
> = (0g‘𝑔)
> What background knowledge am I still missing out which I should be
> reading, or did I miss out some material already on
> Please help me by pointing me
> to relevant reading material..
> --
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