Thanks for the video of the discovery of BaM01
Von: Robert Verish <>
 Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Battle Mountain Field report / strewn field 
conditions / etc.
 Datum: Sat, 08 Sep 2012 04:14:56 +0200
Hello All,
 I've returned from Battle Mountain to bring Moni back home (she had to go back 
to work today) and to resupply for a return trip to Antler Peak and Trout 
 I want to take this time to thank all of the people that sent Moni and me 
"congratulatory" messages for finding BaM01 and for their kind words of 
encouragement and support.  
 I also want to thank all of our fellow met-hunters who we met numerous times 
in the strewn-field as we crossed-paths. Everyone was very supportive and we 
all hunted in very complimentary manner. There was a lot of data sharing and 
there were no laws broken (by hunters) once everyone knew where the borders of 
the unmarked "1 sq. mi. mining exploration lease" were located. 
 In particular, I want to thank Marc Fries, Sonny Clary, and Robert Ward. 
 To Marc for pin-pointing where to go search. (this is a "happy client 
testimonial" for Marc's Galactic Analytics services;-) 
 To Sonny Clary who was always supportive and told me how to get to the area I 
wanted to hunt where I eventually made my find, and 
 To Robert Ward who worked hard (even outside the strewn-field after hours) to 
"acquire" the big stone, and who took time from his hunting to drive around and 
tell all the other hunters where the "off-limits" area was located. (At that 
same meeting he showed me the 954 gram stone and told me exactly where it was 
found - and at that moment Moni took a photo of Robert and me (I have a 
stunned-look) with him smiling and holding his recent acquisition.:-)
 More photos will be included in my follow-up report, of course, but that link 
will have to be posted at a later time. 
 Good luck to all of the hunters currently out there and I sincerely wish you 
all even better luck than I was blessed. 
 Take care and safe travels, 
 Moni Waiblinger and Bob Verish
 --- On Wed, 9/5/12, <> wrote:
 > From: <>
 > Subject: [meteorite-list] Battle Mountain Field report / strewn field 
 > conditions / etc.
 > To:
 > Date: Wednesday, September 5, 2012, 11:49 AM
 > Hi All,
 > I have posted a few pictures of the strewnfield and a large
 > chondrite on my website. A couple of the roads in the 
 > area will be posted with No trespassing signs later this
 > week. The reason is for mine safety regulations.The project
 > supervisor was very nice and explained the biggest concern
 > is safety. If anything was to happen on the mining clam, the
 > site would be shut down.
 > Thanks,
 > Sonny
 > ______________________________________________
 ------ Appended text from Robert Ward's facebook post -------
 Robert Ward's acquired MaB stone
 Thursday, September 6, 2012 10:54 PM
 I am happy to announce that I have acquired a 954 gram Battle Mountain Nevada 
Meteorite from the August 21st fall, This stone was wittnessed to hit the 
ground by the finder! I instructed the individual on what to look for with the 
aid of some Whetstone Mountains meteorite pictures, I suggested the stone he 
heard whistle overhead followed by a thud may be close, he recovered the stone 
within an hour that night [Sept 1st] with a flashlight! I have been hunting 
hard for many days now as well as many other seasoned hunters and only one 
other stone has been recovered, this will be a rare meteorite. The meteorite 
exhibits a plum to brown colored fusion crust on one side and the typical black 
fusion crust on the other, I have seen this multi-coloration in several other 
chondrite falls, most notably Berduc. This is trully one of the most beautiful 
wittnessed fall chondrites I have ever seen, it has flow lines radiating out 
from a central ridge running down the
 black crusted side, and this most unusual plum brown on the other. Many thanks 
to Marc Fries for all his hard work on the radar data that led to the recovery 
of Nevada's first wittnessed fall!
 ---------- End of Appended Text ------------
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