Jason L Tibbitts III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >>>>> "HP" == Harry Putnam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> HP> Can you describe in some detail what Majordomo output looks like?
> XYX:sina:pub/pc800/list-archive> ls *99* pc800.199901 pc800.199903
> pc800.199905 pc800.199907 pc800.199909 pc800.199911 pc800.199902
> pc800.199904 pc800.199906 pc800.199908 pc800.199910 pc800.199912
> Each file is a bog standard MBOX file.  You have some flexibility in the
> naming, as you can extract the year and month using a regexp in the config
> file.

Thanks ... This should have cleared it up for me but hasn't.
Still confused as to what it is that wilma looks for.
Probably shouldn't be such a stumbling block for me but it has been.

 " 5)  Create a directory for the HTML version of the archive  
      somewhere . . . "

The config file:

     # [ wilma wilma_reindex ]
     # A Perl regular expression returning the year and month numbers
     # in $1 and $2, respectively, from the HTML archive directory
     # name. Backslashes must be doubled due to configuration variable
     # interpolation.
     ARC_REGEX  = ((?:19|20)?\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)$

This seems to be talking about the container (directory) that the HTML
versions of the mbox files you show above are in.. The one refered to
in the README quote above.  Not really explained in your picture above.

What is confusing here is if the mbox files and the "HTML directory"
are both expected to have <name>.9903 type names.  Seems that would be
very confusing.

My files are named rh-old.9909 rh-old.9910 etc 
What should the directory that will be the "HTML archive directory" be

    # [ wilma_reindex ]
    # A Perl regular expression returning the year and month numbers in
    # $1 and $2, respectively, from the mailbox archive name if different
    # than ARC_REGEX. Leave blank if the same. HTML archive directories
    # and archive mailbox links are differientated by those file system
    # attributes. Backslashes must be doubled due to configuration variable
    # interpolation.

Similarly confusing to me here.  The conf.file  doesn't call the mailbox a
directory exactly but seems to be what is being described.  In my case
I'm not really using a mailbox but still a directory named "rh" holding
the raw mbox files rh-old.9910 etc.  

So again.  what is wilma expecting this directory/(mbox) to be called?
What naming convention does majordomo use for the "mailbox" or
directoy that holds the mbox spool files?

What name format should I use for the directory holding the raw spool

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