Consider tcs and cjkvconv at

Quote: tcs is the source to an ANSI C program which converts between a variety of 
international encoding formats. Of interest, it converts between the various Japanese 
encodings, UNICODE 1.0 and UTF-8 (a Variable length, ascii-clean version of Unicode 
used under Plan-9 and supported in Java). is the main program compiled (by Peter de Vries) to run under Windows NT & 
Ken Lunde's Perl utility to convert between a myriad of East Asian
codesets, including Unicode. 
cjkvconv.inf A little information The Perl program (with a huge code table included) 

Earl Hood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> UTF8 support should become standard in Perl soon.  The text/plain
> filter could be modified to support translation into UTF8.  I am
> unsure if there will be a standard set of charset->UTF8 converters.

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