Update of bug #18112 (project mhonarc):

                Category:                    None => MIME Filter            
              Item Group:                    None => Undesired Behavior     
                  Status:                    None => Wont Fix               
             Open/Closed:                    Open => Closed                 
           Fixed Release:                         => N/A                    


Follow-up Comment #5:

For mail-archive.com, the following can be used so addresses
inside a URL is not modified.  This could be generalized
to handle other contextual scenarious as desired.

I'm going to mark this item a "Wont Fix" since I see
no practical solution with existing mhonarc resources,
and the technique mentioned below can be used to get
desired results.

This method utilizes mhasiteinit.pl:


You need to make sure MODIFYBODYADDRESSES is disabled.  If
you have a master resource file, you can add the following
at the end to ensure this:


Or use the -nomodifybodyaddresses command-line option.

Then, you can have a mhasiteinit.pl like the following:

# START of mhasiteinit.pl
##  Set package to something other than "mhonarc" to protect ourselves
##  from unintentionally screwing with MHonArc's internals

package mhonarc_site_init;

##  Mail-archive.com text pre-filter to not munge m-a links.
##  IMPORTANT: Make sure MODIFYBODYADDRESSESS is NOT enabled since
##             we obscure the addresses here.  If set, our function
##             will not get called.

$readmail::TextPreFilter = sub {
 my $fields = shift;
 my $data_r = shift;
 # do not rewrite cid: URLs.
 $$data_r =~ s{
   ($1 eq "") ? mhonarc::rewrite_raw_address($2) : $1.$2;

## Make sure to return a true value for require().


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