On 21.11.99 (01:28), Joost Soeterbroek wrote:
> I have editted http.conf and set LogLevel directive to debug. When
> trying to add a user I get following in my logfile:
> [Sun Nov 21 01:19:26 1999] [info] [client] Midgard: Template
> not found code-compat
> [Sun Nov 21 01:19:26 1999] [info] [client] Midgard: Template
> not found code-global
> [Sun Nov 21 01:19:26 1999] [info] [client] Midgard: Template
> not found author   

Well, these messages appear at every access on my server -- even
with the example site (though there are other templates

But while taking another look at my error log and trying again
to set up a new user, it worked -- the only thing I changed
towards the last try: I filled some dummy values into every
field of the person form (and, of course, deleted the dummy
stuff later by modifying the person again).  Seems that midgard
expects some of the fields (which ones?) to be non-zero, uh?

So, as this thing seems to work, I've got another bunch of
 - How do I, other than by using the commandline mysql client,
   add someone to the internal admin group (#0)?
 - What's the function of a person's "preferences" and the
   "extra information"?

> When we lose this battle, we _will_ lose the war.
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