
On 13 Mar, Niels Vejrup Carlsen wrote:
> I am in the process of selecting af content management system /
> publishing system for a large multilanguage set of information portal
> sites.
> The system must be able to handle all the traditional publishing
> features incl. workflow (editorial approval, ...), archiving,
> multiple placement of articles, delayed publishing, timed removal,
> On top of this we would like the system to allow for CRM (data
> mining etc.) and for the establishment of communities (chats,
> newsgroups, ...) - either through its own modules or by
> allowing 3rd party modules to be added.

Most of this is possible by adding logic on the PHP
level, but certainly would be easier is Midgard had
support for the major features builtin.

For example, our Midgard sites at Stonesoft include
features like chat and even workflow applications like 
the company's recruitment system. They work, but creating
them has at times required creative usage of the 
database fields provided in Midgard's article system.

> I have looked a bit at your project - and would like to know whether
> you would be open for a collaboration along the lines:
> - you guarantee that ressources will be devoted to making the
> system fit our purposes (the extent of this we of course need to
> agree on from the beginning)
> - on the other hand we guarantee a certain amount of ressources being
> spent on improving your project (within the open source license) - for
> a certain period of time.

Your proposal is very interesting, and I'm sure some
Midgard developers would be eager to help you out. 
However, our project works on volunteer basis and so
we as a project can't make any commitments on our
developers' behalf. It is all up to individual
developers here.

I hope to see something come out of this. Midgard has 
been a very nice low-end content management system, 
but I'm sure it is to the interests of many people 
working with it to see it improve in the field.

Please keep us posted on how things turn out.

> /Niels Vejrup Carlsen


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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