On 22 Mar, Carilda Thomas wrote:
> There is no document root unless I put it there and I don't.

You can also store the favicon.ico file as an 
attachment into the Midgard database, create a 
favicon.ico page under your root page and serve 
the file from there.


$article = 123;
$filename = 'favicon.ico';

  if ($article = mgd_get_article($article)) 
          && ($files = mgd_list_files($article->id))) {

    while ($files->fetch()) {
      if ($files->name == $filename 
                 && ($file = mgd_get_file($files->id))) {
        header('Content-type: ' . $file->type);
        header('Content-length: ' . $file->size);

Do this either in the code-init, or just override
the ROOT element to point to <(content)>, and the 
normal Midgard style shouldn't get into way.

>> >^..^<
>>  mrow


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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