On 28 Apr, Todd Bole wrote:
> Hello - 


> Midgard looks very much like what I am looking for, although I was wondering, is it 
>possible to install on a "virtual" server?
> I am using www.nomonthlyfees.com as my virtual server. I have my own domain 
>www.rockcut.com with access to MySQL via MyPHPadmin.  At this time I do not have 
>Telnet access, but I could if I needed to.  But I don't have, and can not have any 
>access to the Apache Server setup files or anything like that. 
> Will I be wasting my time in trying to setup Midgard?

The lack of administrative access to the Apache installation
there is a stopper here. However, if you can install your
own software there, you could possibly run a Midgard+Apache
installation there in a nonstandard port number (say, 8080),
and redirect the queries from your regular Apache installation
to that.

> Todd Bole


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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