
It seems that my schedules have forced these
summaries to a semi-weekly state. It certainly 
doesn't do justice to the speed Midgard
development projects are evolving, and I 
apologize for that.

It is possible for others to help with this, 
though, as can be seen from the last item in 
this week's MWS. But now to the announcements...


Current versions:
        Stable: 1.2.5 (Mad King)
        Devel.: 1.4-beta3
        Oracle: 1.2.5-beta1


Midgard 1.2.5-beta1 for Oracle released

Jean-Pierre Arneodo has released the first
beta release of Midgard 1.2.5 for the 
Oracle 8i database environment.

The release has been developed by Philippe
Pierre, Christophe Azecat, Bruno Richaud and
Jean-Pierre Arneodo, and was sponsored by
E-TARGET-B, a French eCommerce software

The Oracle port of Midgard should be mostly
compatible with the regular (MySQL) versions
of Midgard on the PHP level. In addition,
it includes the record extension system
developed by Initiative Internet.

Since this is still a beta release, caution
should be exercised in deploying it. In case
of installation problems, please contact the
Midgard mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

The release announcement can be found from
the Midgard Web site.



Midgard European tour & meetings in June

A group of Finnish Midgard enthusiasts will be
driving from Helsinki to Paris in late June
(weeks 25 and 26).

Along the way, we will have several meetings
with local Midgard people, the major ones being
held in Karlskrona (Sweden), Arnhem (The 
Netherlands) and Paris (France).

In Karlskrona, we will have a Midgard seminar
sponsored by Roxtec on Monday June 19th, and
in Paris a bigger meeting in the weekend
starting on Friday June 23rd.

The current state of the tour plans can be
seen from my personal Web site. We are still
accepting suggestions for locations where to
stop along the route, as well as things to
discuss in the meetings. Welcome!



Midgard US tour in July

In addition to the European tour, there
is also one coming up in the United States.

Ken Pooley is arranging the roadtrip to be
in July, with a meeting in Armadillo. I'm 
not talking about details here, as those 
are not quite clear yet. 

Ken's announcement on the tour can be found 
from Midgard's mailing list archives:



Migrating to SiteGroups

There is now a new utility available for
migrating a Midgard database to use the
new SiteGroups virtual database environment
that comes with Midgard 1.4-beta3.

The tool is still rather experimental, but
might be helpful for people considering the
move to this new system. If you wish to use
it, be sure to read the sources first!



Looking for new MWS editor

Because of my army service starting in
early July, I'm now looking for someone
to take the responsibility of producing
these summaries.

While I will probably have some level
of connectivity during my service, I'll
still be unable to follow Midgard 
development quite as closely as I do now.

If you are following the discussions on
Midgard mailing lists, and would be interested 
in starting to gather these summaries,
please let me know and we can discuss the



About Midgard

Midgard is a freely-available Web application 
development and publishing platform based on 
the popular PHP scripting language. It is an 
Open Source development project, giving you the 
freedom to create your solutions in an open 
environment. Midgard is the tool for creating, 
modifying and maintaining dynamic 
database-enabled web services.



About MWS

The Midgard Weekly Summary is a newsletter 
for the Midgard user and developer community.

The MWS is currently being distributed in
following mediums:

 -The Midgard Project's Web site

 -Linux Weekly News

 -Linux Today

 -Linux Developer's Network


 -Midgard mailing list

If you would like to release it elsewhere,
please contact Henri Bergius 

Previous issues of Midgard Weekly Summary can 
be found archived at the Midgard web site.



-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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please visit the project's web site at

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