On 26 May, Sam Grinstead wrote:
>       I've not worked with php or midgard before, and I have a pretty
> basic question on loops.   How do you imbed one loop in another?   I want
> to display the information in a tree with each of the topic names followed
> by the articles in that topic.   These two display all the topics, then all
> the names.

You simply add the second loop within the first.

Here's an example:


$topic = mgd_list_topics(354);

if ($topic) {

  for ($i = 0; $i < 25 && $topic->fetch(); $i++) {

    /* We're inside the topic listing for loop now */


    $article = mgd_list_topic_articles($topic->id);

    if ($article) {

      /* I'm using 'while' here but a 'for' loop
        would work as well */

      while ($article->fetch()) {








Hopefully this helps.

> Sam


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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