
We finally arrived to Helsinki today with the
Land Rover, so the Midgard European tour 2000
is now over.

Thanks to everyone involved for making this
a great trip! Next Midgard meeting will be 
during Jan/Feb 2001 in Helsinki, Finland, and I 
hope to see many of you here then.

I have lots of pictures from this month-long
tour (Atlanta - San Francisco - Helsinki -
Seoul - Karlskrona - Arnhem - Paris - Stockholm
- Helsinki), and I will post them to the
site soon.

My military service begins on Monday, so I
will soon unsubscribe the Midgard mailing lists.
I will be able to read my email now and then
during the service period, so you can still reach
me using my email address. 

I try to be somewhat involved in the Midgard 
community also during the service, and will at 
least monitor the progress using MWS and the 
mailing list archives. The service should end 
in new year, after which I will again be more 
active in the community. Thanks to everybody 
here for the last year!


PS. David, do you have the image archiving
script ready?

-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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