Hi to you all Midgard maniacs,

I'm currently using the 1.4 beta 3 version of Midgard which already has the
snippet and snippetdir tables but doesn't have any of the associated mgd

This is where I need your help.

I want to code some small PHP functions that will be used throughout my whole
site and thus I want to group them.

I have 3 possibilities to do this :

1) I could use pure PHP code with separate files and include statements : it
would undoubtedly work but it is not too satisfactory.

2) Snippet and snippetdirs were designed to do just that but for the time being
I would have to do most of the job by hand (this shouldn't bee too long though
as I could use phpMyAdmin to modify Midgard's internal database).

As I intend to upgrade to newer stable versions when they are released this is
probably the best solution but I could also do :

3) Use inherited page elements. This will also work but I wondered if this is
rellay what Page Elements were created for ?

Thanks a lot for your advice !

                                Vincent QUERU

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