>>Remove the '$' before mgd_list_topic_articles?

Crap! I knew it would be something stoooopid...the worst thing is that I 
stared at that for a day, and would have stared for another day and 
probably not noticed....between this cold and pile of stuff on my desk it 
is all starting to blur.....

On $argv[0]...I am thinking the number of questions I have asked to date 
should give me enough to write a book...it'll be an O'reilly book with a 
monkey on the cover, the title will be $argv, looks simple, is simple; too 
simple for me to get!


-----Original Message-----
From:   Emiliano [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, September 07, 2000 2:07 AM
Subject:        Re: [midgard] weird things qualified.....

Ken Pooley wrote:

> I am having odd problems...I am starting a new site, my 9th on this 
> and reusing a lot of code from other sites..it should slam right through
> but I keep getting  a lot of errors that say object topic not found and
> pointing to the line where I say  <?
> $article=$mgd_list_topic_articles(756); ?>  any ideas? I keep thinking
> there must be something silly I've done wrong but I cannot find it to 
> my life.....

Remove the '$' before mgd_list_topic_articles?

> the other part of my question...if I jump into a page from outside a
> midgard site that also has an active connection to it will there be a 
> for $argv[0] coming from the non midgard page? I want to put a line in a
> code-init that says if $argv[0] is empty then give it a specified value 
> I can't figure out if it exists and if it does if 0 is different from
> empty...does that make sense?
> Well...I know more about what to ask...it comes down to ...if I link from 
> static link on a page outside of midgard then I don't think $argv will
> exist...is there a way to check for its existence on the destination page
> and if it does not exist, assign a fixed value to the topic id I want to
> get?

$argv[0] is strictly tied to the page being requested and has no
on where the request 'came from'. If there's an active page /page/active
you request /page/active/parameter, $argv[0] will be 'parameter'
of which page linked to this request.

If you want to pass parameters to static pages you'll have to use the
/page/static/?parameter=foo&other=bar style.


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