David Banning wrote:

> > Given the above, try omitting one and retesting. At least we'll know
> > which of the two (mod_midgard or the patched PHP) is the cause of the
> > problem.
> I omitted both mod_php3.c and mod_midgard.c 
> When I added the line 
> 'MidgardDatabase midgard midgard midgard'
> apache will not even start up. However the error log states:
> Syntax error on line 18 of /www/conf/httpd.conf:
> Invalid command 'MidgardDatabase', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a
> module not included in the server configuration

That's correct since each module is responsible for parsing its own
directives. If you leave out mod_midgard you must also leave out any
midgard-related directives.

> So I added mod_midgard and restarted apache.
> That's when I get the error:
> [Wed Sep 13 16:01:52 2000] [info] server seems busy, (you may need to
> increase StartServers, or Min/MaxSpareServers), spawning 8 child
> ren, there are 4 idle, and 4 total children
> and
> [Wed Sep 13 16:01:52 2000] [notice] child pid 18085 exit signal
> Segmentation fault (11)
> last error again every 2 seconds

Oh goodie. Anyway, mod_midgard is the culprit then.

> > Not a very usual location for ServerRoot, but it should be OK.
> > 
> > I may have asked this before, but what platform are you using?
> FreeBSD 4.0 

I'll do an install of FreeBSD during the weekend.

> I originally installed apache from ports.
> That installation put the apache manual directory off 
> /usr/local/share/doc/apache 

That's what I would expect, but that would make
/usr/local/share/doc/apache the DocumentRoot. If DocumentRoot ==
ServerRoot I want to know where the freebsd apache port maintainer
gets his smokes :)

> and while I was learning php I noticed I had to put my .php3 files in
> or off that directory to run.

DocumentRoot, definately. The midgard-root.php3 file does not need to
be there. I usually advice against having the rootfile under the

> The apache distribution I got from midgard however installed it
> in my root file system /www where I have limited hard drive space.

Symlinks are your friend.

> So I tried to get midgard to run from /usr/local/share/doc/apache
> since I have alot of php stuff there and that's where I was comfortable.
> In hindsight, maybe it's a strange place to to locate the midgard file.
> Most of my midgard is still off the /www directory.

I don't get it. In what way would you get Midgard to 'run from ...'?
The only files that need to be installed are the modules if they're
dynamic, and the rootfile. The rest comes from the database.

> It's just that until I know more,
> http://localhost/myphpdirectory/index.php3
> is the only way I know to execute my php files, and they are located
> off /usr/local/share/doc/apache 
> Maybe I'm not making much sense here but I guess the bottom line is that
> midgard-root.php3  being in a Not very usual location has more to
> do with my inexperience than my platform.

Wait, are you requesting the rootfile itself? While it is most
certainly not supposed to cause segfaults, you are _not_ supposed to
be retrieving the rootfile directly. It will yield nothing useful,
which is why I usually suggest to have it outside the DocumentRoot.


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