Attached you will find code to make semaphores (as defined in <semaphore.h>
work in a way that is compatible with Linux/FreeBSD. This code includes
both named and unnamed semaphores and a working sem_getvalue function (read
Linux man page before using sem_getvalue()).

To use the code, do not include <semaphore.h> in your code, instead "sem.h".

I have prepared it so that with a small patch it can replace the semaphore
code in libwinpthread-1.dll, but don't do this just yet. The code in
barrier.c should be fixed first. The size of sem_t must be available to
programs which include <semaphore.h> since sem_init() should *not*
malloc(). If there is any interest in switching semaphore code to a
compatible usage with Linux/BSD I could work up a patch for barrier.c.

Example usage for semaphores can be found at and will be included in
release 5.0.13.



In order to debug concurrent threads, trace and error printing is available
with a couple macros defined in this file:


Dr. Edscott Wilson Garcia
Applied Mathematics and Computing
Mexican Petroleum Institute
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