On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 01:41:52PM +0200, Jan Stary wrote:
> Installed yesterday's current/i386, using dhcpd and pxeboot
> from another machine. After the installation, I noticed
> that the address that was assigned to me during the install
> via DHCP was written into /etc/hosts. Is that intended?
> Should an arbitrary dhcp-assigned address be written into
> /etc/hosts to stay there? Should that be mentioned in afterboot?
> The user might want to just use DHCP during the install,
> and only during afterboot, while setting everything up,
> decide on a fixed address and put that into hostname.if
> - but the arbitrary dhcp-assigned address will still be
> in /etc/hosts, possbily conflicting.
>       Jan

Aha! To quote the commit message to /usr/src/distrib/miniroot/install.sub
from 2009:
Sat Mar 14 14:23:05 2009 UTC (4 years, 1 month ago) by krw
Branches: MAIN
Diff to: previous 1.448: preferred, coloured
Changes since revision 1.448: +11 -6 lines
There should only be one ::1 and one entry in the hosts
file.  And 'localhost' don't need no stinkin' domain names.

Insert line(s) with the address(es) of last interface defined instead
of duplicate ::1 and entries, Thus dhcp configured
interfaces may eventually drift away from the value in hosts file.

Much discussed just before tree lock. Time to see what happens.

So what happens is that four years later somebody notices. :-)

Your points are valid. I no longer recall the discussions that took
place at the time, and am open to any new discussion.

.... Ken

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