On Fri, May 03, 2013 at 02:52:06PM -0700, Scott wrote:
> Good day,
> I can't get adsuck to start at boot on OpenBSD 5.3. I copied strings like a
> monkey and thought them over (even testing them in shell), but no luck.
> # grep adsuck /etc/rc.conf.local:
> adsuck_flags="-c /var/adsuck -f /files/resolv.conf /files/hosts.small"
> # cat /etc/rc.local:
> if [ "$adsuck_flags" != "NO" -a -x /usr/local/sbin/adsuck ]; then
>     echo -n ' adsuck'
>     /usr/local/sbin/adsuck "$adsuck_flags"
> fi

You may want to use the pkg_scripts variable in rc.conf.local. i.e.
rather than modifying /etc/rc.local.

> # which adsuck:
> /usr/local/sbin/adsuck
> Adsuck does work properly if started manually using:
> sudo adsuck -c /var/adsuck -f /files/resolv.conf /files/hosts.small

As far as I can see from a quick install of adsuck, I don't think it has
been adapted to the removal of the dhclient-script from dhclient's
operation. So if you are using dhcp you may be out of luck at the moment. Or
if you are using dhcp and aduck is working on 5.3 I'd be interested in more
details on your setup, and where you got directions on setting it up.

> So I know it's just something I'm doing wrong with my rc scripts. I read
> the readme in /usr/local/shar/docs/pkg-readmes/, but that only covers
> interaction with dhclient and resolv.conf.

And, alas, does it wrong. 'script' is no longer a valid statement
in dhclient.conf and thus the provided /usr/local/sbin/dhclient-adsuck
will not be invoked by dhclient.

.... Ken

> Any help would be MUCH appreciated.
> -Scott

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