On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 11:45:07AM +0200, Jan Stary wrote:
> > What troubles me is that whatever device (device name) I try,
> > it is the 'ofwboot' which is not found.
> > I don't mind calling my disk 'cd' in the boot sequence
> > or altering the devaliases, or "setenv boot-device cd:,ofwboot",
> > but that doesn't work either, as shown above.
> > How can I make sure that the installer
> > has actually put the ofwboot on my disk?
> I mean, the ofwboot is supposed to be _somewhere_
> on my disk, right? Where? In the small DOS partition
> at the beginning of the disk?

Yes. From macppc install.md:

md_installboot() {
        local _disk=$1

        # If there is an MSDOS partition on the boot disk, copy ofwboot
        # into it.
        if fdisk $_disk | grep -q 'Signature: 0xAA55'; then
                if fdisk $_disk | grep -q '^..: 06 '; then
                        if mount /dev/${_disk}i /mnt2 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
                                # Use cat to avoid holes created by cp(1)
                                cat /mnt/usr/mdec/ofwboot > /mnt2/ofwboot
                                umount /mnt2

.... Ken

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