On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 01:59:50PM +0000, hru...@gmail.com wrote:
> Dear Sirs!
> I have a question, perhaps a little of-topic, but it arose as I
> read about cvsync in openbsd web page. And OpenBsd people sure know
> a lot about cryptography :)
> Does rsync suppose that a part of a file in the server is equal to
> a part of a file in the client, if a hash value of these parts are
> equal?
> Does cvsync do the same?
> Is this reliable? Mathematicaly not a catastrophe? (equal if the
> images under a non-injective function are equal)?
> Is there a reliable way to make a local copy of the repository and
> update it from time to time (I have only very elementary knowledge 
> about cvs and few experience)?

People use cvsync or rsync to create/maintain a local copy or copies
of the repository. I use cvsync to sync one repository with an
external source and then run cvsyncd on that box if I want repositories
on other local machines.

Not sure what your 'reliable' metrics are, but works for me.

.... Ken

> Thanks
> Rodrigo

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