On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 06:41:58PM -0400, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> I'm trying to add myself to sudoers. I used `su -` to get root, and
> then `adduser jwalton sudo`.
> Now I'm stuck a loop of:
>   Enter username[]:
> When I try and add my name, I'm told its there. When I try to <RETURN>
> (no name), I looped back to the prompt. I have to break out with a ^C.
> After the ^C break and exit from root, I'm told I'm not in sudoers again.
> How does one use adduser in OpenBSD?


adduser(8) should explain things. Looking at the synopsis it's not clear
what you typed would do. Certainly I can't see such a command line in
the examples section.

If you're just working with sudoers, perhaps you want visudo(8) and not

.... Ken

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