On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 11:25:50PM +0100, Sebastian Benoit wrote:

> Don't buy this one (yet). The Marvell 88SE9230 SATA does not work.
> i know cause i have one ;-)

Arg, disappointing, but I'm glad I thought to check before buying :). Do
you know if anybody's working on it? So much for "standard" AHCI <sigh>,
does it not find it, or find it but crap out? Do all the other
components work ok? I could temporarily stick a PCI SATA card in it to
get by until the onboard SATA is supported if all the other pieces are
happy. Does anybody have any suggestions for a good/cheap 2 port SATA
PCI card that supports openbsd?

> The earlier 5017A-* machines are ok.

Hmm, the only other 5017A model I see doesn't have IPMI.

Thanks for the help...

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