On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 02:37:47PM +0100, Peter J. Philipp wrote:
> I'm trying to track down the code in the libasr that causes this behaviour:
> Whenever I go to a IPv4 site and IPv6 query is made for domain+mydomain
> like a search.  So with logging turned on, on my nameserver I get this:
> pjp@americas$ grep canoe.ca.centroid.eu /var/log/all
> Dec 20 17:00:37 americas wildcarddnsd[29850]: request on descriptor 17
> interface "em0" from (ttl=54, region=255) for
> "chealth.canoe.ca.centroid.eu." type=AAAA(28) class=1, answering "NXDOMAIN"
> The problem is that my nameservers are in china and latin america and
> I'M sorta worried about these leaks.  This particular log came from my
> nameserver in panama and the packet passes miami.

I'm not clear on what the leak you are worried about is.

.... Ken

> My resolv.conf file looks like this on the workstation here in germany:
> jupiter$  more /etc/resolv.conf
> # Generated by re0 dhclient
> search centroid.eu
> nameserver
> domain centroid.eu
> lookup file bind
> family inet6 inet4
> The leak only happens with AAAA queries, like said.  Any hints on
> tracking this down and squelching it?
> Regards,
> -peter

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