* Rodrigo Mosconi <open...@mosconi.mat.br> [2014-09-12 16:18]:
> I`m studying a discipline about Quality of service and traffic engineering,
> and I have to do a work about queuing disciplines on network devices.  I
> need to choose a "product" and compare how there queuing policy is "close
> enough" to the Generalized Packet System.
> I would like to make this with OpenBSD, and I would like some pointers on
> where to look about the implementation to identify the model used.


sys/net/pf.c & pf_ioctl.c

Henning Brauer, h...@bsws.de, henn...@openbsd.org
BS Web Services GmbH, http://bsws.de, Full-Service ISP
Secure Hosting, Mail and DNS. Virtual & Dedicated Servers, Root to Fully Managed
Henning Brauer Consulting, http://henningbrauer.com/

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