> Just a user experience for your consideration.
> I picked up a new bsd.rd from snapshots in toronto. Checked the sha256
> and signify to make sure it's good. Moved it to / and rebooted with:
> boot> hd0a:/bsd.rd
> selected Install with standard options.
> clean download from the mirror followed by reboot.
> --
> logged in as root
> --
> # pkg_info
> quirks-2.232
> rtwn-formware-1.0
> #
> --
> # pkg_add nano
> Can't installl libiconv-1.14p3 because of libraries
> |library.c.86.0 not found
> | /usr/lib/libc.so.87.0 (system) bad major
> Can't install gettext-0.19.7: can't resolve libiconv-1.14p3
> Can't install nano-25.3: can't resolve gettext-0.19.7
> --
> Just looked at the toronto mirror ../snapshots/packages/amd64 and
> libiconv-1.14p3 is in the directory from May 8.
> --
> Switched /etc/pkg.conf from "%c" to "snapshots"
> -- 
> Same error as above
> As always I want to express my gratitude to Theo and all the past and
> present devs --- have a great week ahead !!

Andrew, you are using snapshots.  Those are at the head of active
development.  When we make big changes, there is a lag until all the
parts fit together.  This is well documented all over the place.

Between 6-month releases, you can expect snapshots to experience
this approximately 2-10 times.

Because ... it isn't a problem, it is how active development works in
a system that changes binary interfaces to make advancements.

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