Try defining your hostname in /etc/hosts
If you have a static address, define it with that address. If it's a
dynamic address, define it as

On May 29, 2017 12:20 PM, "Choose a display name" <> wrote:

Turns out, you were right, Ted. It is a DNS failure.
Here is the relevant part of ktrace of the smtpd:

# kdump | tail -40
31531 smtpd RET clock_gettime 0
31531 smtpd CALL poll(0x7f7ffffd75d0,1,20000)
31531 smtpd STRU struct pollfd { fd=3, events=0x1<POLLIN>, revents=0<> }
31531 smtpd RET poll 0
31531 smtpd CALL recvfrom(3,0x1dc776e6f000,0x1000,0,0,0)
31531 smtpd RET recvfrom -1 errno 35 Resource temporarily unavailable
31531 smtpd CALL close(3)
31531 smtpd RET close 0
31531 smtpd RET socket 3
31531 smtpd CALL connect(3,0x1dc7d136ecb0,16)
31531 smtpd STRU struct sockaddr { AF_INET, }
31531 smtpd RET connect 0
31531 smtpd CALL sendto(3,0x1dc781f2a200,0x18,0,0,0)
31531 smtpd GIO fd 3 wrote 24 bytes
31531 smtpd RET sendto 24/0x18
31531 smtpd CALL clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC,0x7f7ffffd75c0)
31531 smtpd STRU struct timespec { 35917.002552533 }
31531 smtpd RET clock_gettime 0
31531 smtpd CALL poll(0x7f7ffffd75d0,1,20000)
31531 smtpd STRU struct pollfd { fd=3, events=0x1<POLLIN>, revents=0<> }
31531 smtpd RET poll 0
31531 smtpd CALL recvfrom(3,0x1dc776e6f000,0x1000,0,0,0)
31531 smtpd RET recvfrom -1 errno 35 Resource temporarily unavailable
31531 smtpd CALL close(3)
31531 smtpd RET close 0
31531 smtpd RET socket 3
31531 smtpd CALL connect(3,0x1dc7d136ecb0,16)
31531 smtpd STRU struct sockaddr { AF_INET, }
31531 smtpd RET connect 0
31531 smtpd CALL sendto(3,0x1dc781f2a200,0x18,0,0,0)
31531 smtpd GIO fd 3 wrote 24 bytes
31531 smtpd RET sendto 24/0x18
31531 smtpd CALL clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC,0x7f7ffffd75c0)
31531 smtpd STRU struct timespec { 35937.012972572 }
31531 smtpd RET clock_gettime 0
31531 smtpd CALL poll(0x7f7ffffd75d0,1,40000)

And so on.
If I understand correct, the problem is that my DNS server on
can't lookup an IP address for "mypcname", which is not a registered
domain name, just cooked-up hostname of the machine running smtpd.
Honestly, I don't know how it could be fixed. Could anybody help me?

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