On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 07:45:37PM +0100, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
> > There are some unavoidable complexities to the sheer size of the tree,
> > and the necessities of updates not to fail...
> I have noticed recently that I occasionally get a gz truncated message (I 
> think
> due to tcp timeout) and then the dependent package doesn't get updated. I then
> re-run pkg_add -u.
> Is the way to deal with this from a script, to; re-run pkg_add -u, if it's
> output is > 0 ?
Nope, it's definitely the wrong place to fix things.

You should fix your pipes (change the timeouts or whatever).

If worse comes to worst, pkg_add could *possibly* retry running ftp(1),
but that makes little sense. If the transport layer is *broken* my gut
feeling is that the transport layer needs fixing! Application layer should
be able to rely on a *working* transport layer.

That's what all network books have been saying for >30 years.

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