So to conclude.

I have done four parallel dd, cp, cmp on the host without any
error showing up.

Ian Darwin wrote:
> Depending on where the error is, you might get away with
> dd'ing with conv=noerror,sync, changing vm.conf to point
> to the new copy, and run fsck in the vm.

After this the vm would no longer freeze but an important config
file was missing so I would not trust the state of the machine
for anything else than maybe keeping it alive a few days until
there is a better time to reinstall.

Dave Voutila wrote:
> Have you run fsck(8) on your host?

Complere fsck of the host in single user mode showed no problem
at all.

> I'd say maybe make sure you have backups of anything important
> first if you're purposely going to break things. :-)

Always! :)

So for now I will just let it be and see what time gives.

Thank you all for your input!

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