On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 03:43:56PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Were nearing the 8300pps mark so I was worried? But should I be? 

You're fine.  The 8300pps mark is not an upper limit, it's the best case
for a full 100Mbit ethernet link (ignoring jumbograms).

> Becuase the majority of my packets are smaller then 64B, shouldn't I
> be able to pass a lot more packets then 8300pps? 

Yes, depending on limitations of your firewall hardware, pf ruleset,
size of state table, etc.

> If all my packets were 64K or smaller, shouldn't that allow me to be
> able to handle closer to 200k packets/sec before hitting my bandwidth
> limit?

For this you will need a reasonably fast box with good gigabit ethernet
cards (em or sk), and an intelligently written ruleset. It seems like
you're a long way away from 200k pps, though.

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