On Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 01:00:11PM +0100, SeDoFa wrote:
> It's true, but this can't solve any problems.  In my case I have a /16
> subnet and I need to nat every single IP to a different IP, for a
> total amount of about 400 IPs.  Same subnet, same interface, redundant
> firewall with carp. Is there another way to increase vhid limit?

You can't put multiple aliases on a single carp interface?

Either way, this is a pretty scary setup because both addresses and
interfaces are managed in linked lists in many places within the kernel,
so when you do hundreds of them, performance will suffer.

You may want to look at other ways you can modify your network
architecture to make this possible - starting with routing the subnet to
you firewall, so that you don't have to actually assign the addresses to
an interface in order to nat to them.


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