On Wed, Jan 09, 2008 at 11:04:59AM +0100, Stiphane Chausson wrote:
> In a [1]press communiqui (in french, sorry) they say they give 2^64 ip
> address to every customer.

> To me, total ipv6 beginner, it seems a lot !

It seems to be, though it is the bare minimum.

> What is bad with "/64" ?

This is only _one_ prefix. The other lower-order 64 bits would generally
be used for autoconfiguration (IPv6 has mechanisms allowing devices to
automatically determine a routable address from the prefix and, e.g.,
their MAC address*). This means you won't be able to do any _clean_

Usually when giving prefixes, the "leaf ISPs" are supposed to delegate
/48 to their customers. This lets enough lattitude to design your
network plan without limitation due to being short of /64's.

That said, it may be true that most end-users like Free.fr has won't
need much more than one /64. But still, this can become frustrating (How
come my car cannot be a subnetwork as my home is?!)

> Are they sort of lying ? Playing with words ?

Nope. And it is still a good thing that they finally provide IPv6
connectivity, but this is the smallest move they could have done.

* this means, indeed, that the /64 range is very sparsely populated.

Olivier Mehani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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