On Wed, Mar 04, 2009 at 10:28:43PM -0700, Matt Jibson wrote:
> > I was looking at the man page for xterm(1), and I saw that by
> > invoking "xterm -ls", the terminal should read .profile, and set the
> > prompt.  In an xterm, I was able to run "xterm -ls" and have just
> > this exact thing happen.  Then I installed scrotwm, and went into
> > /etc/scrotwm.conf and set the "spawn_term" to "xterm -ls", thinking
> > this would do the same, but it does not.  What am I doing wrong?  I
> > am using the default shell.  Does scrotwm do something special to
> > call "xterm"?
> To configure xterm, you need to use the .Xdefaults file, although that
> does not look like what you need.

In case an example can help, I have the following in my .Xdefaults to start
xterms as login shells.

xterm*loginShell:       true

Works like a charm.

Olivier Mehani <sht...@ssji.net>
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