am looking to partition some wifi networks into multiple segments and am looking for both hardware and software advice. the goal is to have > 2 wifi networks in the same physical location that are split as follows:

- guest AP for visitors and friends
- business AP for coworkers
- appliance AP for remote appliances - not people, so login needs to be automated and use existing wifi encryption/authentication methods

here are some questions that come to mind:

- what is the best facility to log wifi usage to syslog on an openbsd host? have used hostapd in the past, it's pretty sweet but not practical for guest users or wireless appliances

- are there any recommended appliance wifi routers that will play nice with openbsd? i am looking for higher end hardware, not commodity junk that will save me money but cost me maintenance time later. i think i heard something about APs that can handle multiple nwids on multiple channels, this may be heresy

- which particular wifi interfaces are suggested for hostap mode over others? i haven't used hostap mode for several years since i had problems with needing to periodically (~monthly) take the hostap interface up and down

- how should i avoid band over-occupancy issues to ensure decent throughput on my networks?

feedback appreciated in advance.


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