On 2 February 2010 10:06, Keith <ke...@scott-land.net> wrote:
> I've used OpenBSD & PF for a number of years without issue and am now in the
> position that I want to create a dmz between the Internet and my
> organisations WAN. Our security people are asking if the firewall that we
> use is accreditated by ITSEC and I am pretty sure it isn't but it turns out
> that our security people will be happy is the firewall is accredited for use
> by another government !

For the interest factor (and since I can't find the email it's just
hearsay), I sent an email to the OpenBSD sparc mailing list in
December 2005 and to my surprise, received an out-of-office
on-holidays bounce back from someone in the Pentagon Army Operations

However, governments the World over staffed with people who hate their
jobs, have difficulty getting public transport working.  So how
they're supposed to accredit something as complex as an OS is beyond

That sort of crap is for arse covering anyway.  For washing ones hands
of the problem and being able to claim to have performed due
diligence, even if they know it's a bullshit exercise.

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