On Thu, 3 Jun 2010 18:31:05 -0400 (EDT) Charlie Root
<r...@sugarloafshores.net> wrote:
> Thanks for your looking at my post.
> Come to think about the wsmouse, I believe that Xorg -configure set
> it to wsmouse0, so I tried wsmouse1 (no joy, niether the trackpad or
> the wireless mouse worrked.  I don't believe is has ever been set to
> simply wsmouse.  I'll give that a try.


It seems you misread tedu@'s post. He asked you to check to see if your
X is using '/dev/wsmouse0' or '/dev/wsmouse' ?

Though your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file might designate something, the way
to figure out what you're actually using is look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log
When X doesn't get what it wants, it can sometimes fall back to
something else (e.g. intenral default config), so what you're actually
using could be different from what you've defined in /etc/X11/xorg.conf
via `Xorg -configure` or manually.

As for whether or not you even need to have an xorg.conf file, that's a
somewhat different matter. Often (as is the goal), you can run without a
configuration and let X set itself up automatically. This doesn't always
work, but works most of the time.

Also, I remember seeing the evil word "nvidia" in your dmesg:

        vga1 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 vendor "NVIDIA", \
        unknown product 0x0a75 rev 0xa2

Sadly, I don't have total recal, so I'm not sure which nvidia graphics
chip that is. The thing you need to know is support for the newer nvidia
crap namely GeForce 8xxx, GeForce 9xxx and GeForce GTX (G80, G84, G86,
G92, G94, G96, G98, GT200) is only available in -current.


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