On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 20:51:34 -0400 Nick Holland
<n...@holland-consulting.net> wrote:
> > 2.       I note that in the example for backing up and restoring
> > that "raw" devices are used.  In my situation, I will be going from
> > ide to a usb drive, and then from the usb drive to scsi disks.  So,
> > the ide drive I can't access raw, but I don't think this is an
> > issue. Is it?  And, if I don't read from the "raw" device with
> > dump, it's still okay to write to the raw device with restore,
> > right?
> actually, if you are going to an interim device, you will be dumping
> to a file (on a file system on that device), so you will go raw
> device to file, then file to raw device.

Not necessarily. You can backup a directory to a file, so you do not
need to backup a raw device. This is not a "common" way to do backups,
but it works great.

As for easiest and fastest, just do a new install. If the new machine
has an IDE interface, then you can physically connect the old drive into
the new machine, and copy over the files.


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