I upgraded to a more current snapshot the other day and after fsck ran on the root partition, it asked if i wanted to fsck the other partitions. I typed "no", but it ran anyways, causing a failure and therefore aborting the install because some disks were missing.

I have 2 usb hard drives in my /etc/fstab. I don't have these drives with me all the time, and had them unplugged during my upgrade (so i didn't inadvertently install to one of them).

I tried to upgrade a couple times, but i have to comment out my usb drives before i can successfully run the upgrade. The upgrade asked me whether or not I wanted to fsck the other partitions, so i figure it should at least obey my answer.

OpenBSD 4.8-current (GENERIC.MP) #627: Fri Nov 12 23:00:53 MST 2010

relevant section of fstab i commented out in order to upgrade

# my drives
5dbd5372ca23d268.d /mnt/Dane ffs rw,nodev,nosuid,softdep 0 0
93b2b19e02be3f39.d /mnt/Cook ffs rw,nodev,nosuid,softdep 0 0


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