On 10 December 2010 03:42, Mehma Sarja <mehmasa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/9/10 4:54 AM, Chandrakant Kumar wrote:
>> On Thursday 09 December 2010 05:39 PM, Hugo Osvaldo Barrera wrote:
>>> On 05/12/10 23:04, Adam M. Dutko wrote:
>>>>> I hope that one day due process is denied you.
>>>> I am wondering what type of due process should be granted to these
>>>> individuals.  What basis/jurisdiction of law are we talking about?
>>>>  Natural
>>>> human rights? US law? International Law?  I'm just wondering because I
>>>> think
>>>> it's critical to the whole discussion.  Julian Assange isn't a US
>>>> citizen so
>>>> the US Government probably feels justified doing whatever they want even
>>>> if
>>>> it is "unethical", yet many think he should be protected by some of the
>>>> US
>>>> justice code/process.  Is due process universal?
>>> If I kill a cow, should I be deported to India, and processed there for
>>> that crime?  (Note that in most parts of india, it IS a crime).
>>> Oh, I live in Argentina, the largest exporter of cow-meat.  Maybe we
>>> should all be deported there.
>>> --
>>> Hugo Osvaldo Barrera
>> We are waiting for you here in India ;)
> That's why Americans call cowburgers hamburgers, for fear of repercussions
> from the holy land. But seriously, re-incarnation takes care of all that.
> Meaning, if you kill a cow in this life, you come back as a cow and someone
> can kill you. It's the Indian version of an eye for an eye.

Sarah Palin's coming back as a dung beetle then.

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