Hi list,

I am trying to allocate bandwidth with cbq. I just want to allocate 80Kbps
for a student. I do Not want him to borrow the bandwidth when it is
available. I am on a 64 bit openbsd 4.8 stable.

**I went to the below URL. I studied *example 1*  , Small, Home network

and wrote my rules. But, I still can NOT allocate 80Kbps for the student,
while downloading. it goes up whole a lot.  here are my rules. ( em0  is
ext_if and em1 is int_if )

# enable queueing on the external interface to control traffic going to
# the Internet. use the priq scheduler to control only priorities. set
# the bandwidth to 485Kbps to get the best performance out of the TCP
# ACK queue.

altq on em0 priq bandwidth 485Kb queue { std_out, ssh_im_out, dns_out, \
        tcp_ack_out }

# define the parameters for the child queues.
# std_out      - the standard queue. any filter rule below that does not
#                explicitly specify a queue will have its traffic added
#                to this queue.
# ssh_im_out   - interactive SSH and various instant message traffic.
# dns_out      - DNS queries.
# tcp_ack_out  - TCP ACK packets with no data payload.

queue std_out     priq(default)
queue ssh_im_out  priority 4 priq(red)
queue dns_out     priority 5
queue tcp_ack_out priority 6

# enable queueing on the internal interface to control traffic coming in
# from the Internet. use the cbq scheduler to control bandwidth. max
# bandwidth is 2Mbps.

altq on em1 cbq bandwidth 2Mb queue { std_in, ssh_im_in, dns_in, student_in

# define the parameters for the child queues.
# std_in      - the standard queue. any filter rule below that does not
#               explicitly specify a queue will have its traffic added
#               to this queue.
# ssh_im_in   - interactive SSH and various instant message traffic.
# dns_in      - DNS replies.
# student_in  - bandwidth reserved for  the workstation.

queue std_in     bandwidth 1.6Mb cbq(default)
queue ssh_im_in  bandwidth 200Kb priority 4
queue dns_in     bandwidth 120Kb priority 5
queue student_in bandwidth 80Kb cbq

clienttcpports="{ 21, 80, 8080, 443 }"
clientudpports="{ 53 }"

# FTP-Proxy
anchor "ftp-proxy/*"
pass in quick on $int_if proto tcp from $lan_net to any port 21 \
    flags S/SA keep state rdr-to port 8021

# Squid Redirect
pass in quick on $int_if proto tcp from $lan_net to any port { 80 8080 } \
    flags S/SA keep state rdr-to port 3128

# filter rules
block in log
block out log
#pass out log keep state

antispoof quick for { lo $int_if ext_if }

pass in log on $int_if inet proto udp from $lan_net to !$int_if \
  port $clientudpports keep state

pass in log on $int_if inet proto tcp from $lan_net to !$int_if \
  port $https flags S/SA keep state

pass out log on $ext_if inet proto udp from $ext_if to any \
  port $clientudpports keep state queue dns_out

pass out log on $ext_if inet proto tcp from  $ext_if to any \
  port $clienttcpports flags S/SA modulate state queue(std_out, tcp_ack_out)

pass out on $int_if proto udp from port $clientudpports to $student_pc \
        queue dns_in

pass out on $int_if proto tcp from port $clienttcpports to $student_pc \
        queue student_in

there are some more rules. I think the given rules are enough..

any ideas?

Thank you
Indunil Jayasooriya

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