On Aug 16, 2011, at 12:19 AM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 1:01 PM, Tom Rodriguez <tom.rodrig...@oracle.com> 
> wrote:
>> On Aug 12, 2011, at 4:15 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
>>> Well, let me play devil's advocate here: why not just discount MH
>>> chains completely?
>> It really only to deal with pathologically long chains.  Most method handle 
>> chains are pretty simple and should generally just be inlined.  However I 
>> could build a chain that included a very large number of calls embedded in 
>> it and blindly inlining that could cause the compile to grow too large.  
>> Chains of method handle chains make it worse.  Whatever limit we would pick 
>> would be fairly high so that no normal usage would never be cut off.
> I'm not a compiler guy, so I don't know what "too large" means when it
> comes to the compile. Is it:
> * Too complex graph so compilation runs too long?
> * Too big native code so something blows up or crashes?
> * Too big native code so it doesn't fit in cache and runs much slower?
> As long as the limit is suitably high, I think everyone will be happy.
> I can't see any JRuby use involving more than a few dozen adapters for
> the most complex cases, mostly argument juggling and converting.
>>> This probably needs to happen for client mode at the very least. We
>>> probably can't get client to inline invokedynamic, but if it at least
>>> dispatches to a compiled MH chain it would be a lot better than what
>>> it does now (which I think is just execute the chain of handles
>>> as-is...usually very slow).
>> Client will start to do more inlining in 7u2 but it will still be limited 
>> because of the lack of profiling.  Being able to compile them separately 
>> would make the whole system more stable performance wise.  I don't know that 
>> we can do that for 7u2 though.  Doing it correctly may require more 
>> machinery than we have time to build for 7u2.
> My contingency plan is to only turn on invokedynamic when I can see
> we're running on Hotspot C2, and use the old mechanisms when running
> under C1. That is an acceptable trade-off until client mode handles
> invokedynamic/MHs better than it does now.

I have some preliminary results for:

7079673: JSR 292: C1 should inline bytecoded method handle adapters

These numbers are with:

7078382: JSR 292: don't count method handle adapters against inlining budgets

applied (which I currently have out for review).  Without that patch the 
performance goes back down the toilet.  I think the next single most important 
thing is to add support for calling bytecoded method handle adapters directly.

intelsdv07:~/mlvm/jruby$ jruby -J-showversion --client 
bench/bench_fib_complex.rb 5 35
java version "1.7.0"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-b147)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 21.0-b17, mixed mode)

normal fib
 11.765000   0.000000  11.765000 ( 11.748000)
 11.765000   0.000000  11.765000 ( 11.765000)
 11.746000   0.000000  11.746000 ( 11.746000)
 11.745000   0.000000  11.745000 ( 11.745000)
 11.702000   0.000000  11.702000 ( 11.702000)
fib with constants
 14.879000   0.000000  14.879000 ( 14.879000)
 14.912000   0.000000  14.912000 ( 14.912000)
 15.255000   0.000000  15.255000 ( 15.255000)
 15.168000   0.000000  15.168000 ( 15.169000)
 15.320000   0.000000  15.320000 ( 15.320000)
fib with additional calls
 25.799000   0.000000  25.799000 ( 25.798000)
 25.705000   0.000000  25.705000 ( 25.705000)
 26.044000   0.000000  26.044000 ( 26.044000)
 26.028000   0.000000  26.028000 ( 26.028000)
 26.351000   0.000000  26.351000 ( 26.351000)
fib with constants and additional calls
 25.053000   0.000000  25.053000 ( 25.053000)
 24.406000   0.000000  24.406000 ( 24.406000)
 24.550000   0.000000  24.550000 ( 24.550000)
 24.478000   0.000000  24.478000 ( 24.478000)
 24.381000   0.000000  24.381000 ( 24.381000)

intelsdv07:~/mlvm/jruby$ jruby -J-showversion --client 
-Xcompile.invokedynamic=false bench/bench_fib_complex.rb 5 35
java version "1.7.0"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-b147)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 21.0-b17, mixed mode)

normal fib
  1.778000   0.000000   1.778000 (  1.724000)
  1.740000   0.000000   1.740000 (  1.740000)
  1.734000   0.000000   1.734000 (  1.734000)
  1.735000   0.000000   1.735000 (  1.736000)
  1.745000   0.000000   1.745000 (  1.745000)
fib with constants
  3.420000   0.000000   3.420000 (  3.420000)
  3.379000   0.000000   3.379000 (  3.379000)
  3.387000   0.000000   3.387000 (  3.387000)
  3.398000   0.000000   3.398000 (  3.398000)
  3.389000   0.000000   3.389000 (  3.389000)
fib with additional calls
  2.953000   0.000000   2.953000 (  2.953000)
  2.973000   0.000000   2.973000 (  2.973000)
  2.974000   0.000000   2.974000 (  2.974000)
  2.977000   0.000000   2.977000 (  2.977000)
  2.979000   0.000000   2.979000 (  2.979000)
fib with constants and additional calls
  4.290000   0.000000   4.290000 (  4.290000)
  4.222000   0.000000   4.222000 (  4.222000)
  4.221000   0.000000   4.221000 (  4.222000)
  4.223000   0.000000   4.223000 (  4.223000)
  4.222000   0.000000   4.222000 (  4.221000)

intelsdv07:~/mlvm/jruby$ jruby -J-showversion --client 
bench/bench_fib_complex.rb 5 35
java version "1.8.0-ea"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0-ea-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 22.0-b01-internal, mixed mode)

normal fib
  1.072000   0.000000   1.072000 (  1.056000)
  1.059000   0.000000   1.059000 (  1.059000)
  1.042000   0.000000   1.042000 (  1.042000)
  1.043000   0.000000   1.043000 (  1.044000)
  1.048000   0.000000   1.048000 (  1.049000)
fib with constants
  3.178000   0.000000   3.178000 (  3.179000)
  3.036000   0.000000   3.036000 (  3.036000)
  3.056000   0.000000   3.056000 (  3.056000)
  3.052000   0.000000   3.052000 (  3.052000)
  3.052000   0.000000   3.052000 (  3.052000)
fib with additional calls
  1.698000   0.000000   1.698000 (  1.698000)
  1.677000   0.000000   1.677000 (  1.677000)
  1.677000   0.000000   1.677000 (  1.677000)
  1.678000   0.000000   1.678000 (  1.678000)
  1.680000   0.000000   1.680000 (  1.680000)
fib with constants and additional calls
  3.483000   0.000000   3.483000 (  3.483000)
  3.501000   0.000000   3.501000 (  3.501000)
  3.496000   0.000000   3.496000 (  3.496000)
  3.498000   0.000000   3.498000 (  3.498000)
  3.530000   0.000000   3.530000 (  3.530000)

And here is a redblack tree:

intelsdv07:~/mlvm/redblack$ jruby -J-showversion --client bm1.rb
java version "1.7.0"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-b147)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 21.0-b17, mixed mode)


intelsdv07:~/mlvm/redblack$ jruby -J-showversion --client 
-Xcompile.invokedynamic=false bm1.rb
java version "1.7.0"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-b147)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 21.0-b17, mixed mode)


intelsdv07:~/mlvm/redblack$ jruby -J-showversion --client bm1.rb
java version "1.8.0-ea"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0-ea-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 22.0-b01-internal, mixed mode)


@Charlie:  Is redblack doing self-verification?

-- Christian

> - Charlie
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