
I'm having difficulty getting Apache::Resource to work.  I've tried
calling the module as a PerlChildInitHandler and as a PerlFixupHandler,
and I've tried telling it which resource to limit in the following ways.


... and ...

$ENV{'PERL_RLIMIT_DATA'} = '20:25';

Neither seems to work.  I even tried to use BSD::Resource in a
PerlFixupHandler module, like this.

my $soft        = 20000000;     # 20M
my $hard        = 25000000;     # 25M
BSD::Resource::setrlimit( RLIMIT_DATA, $soft, $hard );

Still doesn't seem to work.  The way I'm gauging the success of setting
RLIMIT_DATA is via a LogHandler module that does this.

my( $soft, $hard ) = BSD::Resource::getrlimit( 'RLIMIT_DATA' );
$r->log->info( "Soft = $soft, Hard = $hard" );

But both $soft and $hard are being printed as -1.

What's going wrong here?  Is there some configuration tweak that I
forgot to do?

Here are my system specifics.

Solaris 2.7
Perl 5.005_03
Apache 1.3.9
mod_perl 1.21
Apache::Resource 1.71
BSD::Resource 1.0701

Thanks for your help.

- Simon

Simon D. Miner
Web Developer
Christian Book Distributors

Phone:  (978) 573 - 2233
Fax:            (978) 573 - 8233

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