>     ...I've implemented a simple form based search page which presents
> results 10 at a time on request.
>     It works fine...nearly. If the user does a search, but then doesn't
> touch their browser for a couple of minutes then the embperl page seems
> to lose their data.
>     so is there a time-out going on here, or is a server process dying
> naturally ?
>     I've looked at the docs for Apache::Session (used by Embperl I'm
> thinking), but no luck yet.

Apache has an time out (set via TimeOut) value for one request and it will
kill that request if it doesn't ends (or send any data, I am not quite sure,
which is the condition) in that time. How does your script exactely works?


Gerald Richter      ecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internet - Infodatenbanken - Apache - Perl - mod_perl - Embperl

E-Mail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Tel:        +49-6133/925151
WWW:        http://www.ecos.de      Fax:        +49-6133/925152

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