Hi Everybody - 

   I have been playing around with Embperl.  I have a little script that
resembles the counter test mentioned in the docs, and it appears to
run.  Problem is, no cookies get set.  And the value of the counter is
erratic.  One browser will appear to pick up the count from another. 
Then it will jump back.  Here is the script:

<h1>Test of session features</h1><hr>
[+ if($udat{counter} == 0){$udat{counter} = 1} +]
The page is requested [+ $udat{counter}++ +] occasions
since [+ $udat{date} ||= localtime +]
cookies: [+ $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE} +]

Incidently, $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE} never shows any value at all.  I have the
session mechanics hooked up to a mysql database.  Here's the setup stuff
in startup.pl:

$ENV{EMBPERL_SESSION_ARGS}    = "DataSource=dbi:mysql:gpp8p_casenet
8p Password=xxxxxxx";
use Apache::Session;
use HTML::Embperl;

And BTW, I did set up the two tables in that database....

Any ideas ????

                                - George Pipkin

George P. Pipkin                                     h - (804)-245-9916
1001 Emmet St.                                       w - (804)-924-1329
Carruthers Hall                                      fax -
Charlottesville, Va. 22903                          

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