> I'm happily using mod_perl to serve content stored in a mysql database.
> Basically, the content does not change really often, and it maybe
> important (BLOB containing images). 
> It seems that handling cache-related stuff would be a big win. For
> example, the If-Modified-Since: (sp?) header and that kind of stuff.
> Question: 
> - does apache/modperl handle some of that stuff?
> - is it useful to handle HEAD requests specially

Correct Headers - A quick guide for mod_perl users

> Next, what do I have to do to enable persistent connections on the server
> (it's images in a database so that will be actually used!), do I just need
> to provide a Content-Length header, and apache/modperl will automagically
> reuse the current connection?

You mean client's browser <-> mod_perl persistance? Check out: KeepAlive
directive from httpd.conf

If you are talking about sql client <-> mod_perl persistance it's

> Thanks for your help!
> -- 
> Nicolas MONNET, Technical Director, IT-Xchange
> <URL:http://www.it-xchange.com>

Stas Bekman  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    www.singlesheaven.com/stas  
Perl,CGI,Apache,Linux,Web,Java,PC at  www.singlesheaven.com/stas/TULARC
www.apache.org  & www.perl.com  == www.modperl.com  ||  perl.apache.org
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