The following error msg appears while trying to install.

upload.htmERR:Internal Server Error
Input:          ./test/html/upload.htm
Output:         ./test/tmp/out.htm
Compared to:    ./test/cmp/post.htm
Log:            ./test/tmp/test.log

ERRORS detected! NOT all test have been passed successfully

Found unexpected output in httpd errorlog:
[Sun Oct 31 19:39:56 1999] [error] require CGI failed: Insecure dependency 
in require while running with -T switch at (eval 467) line 3.

Last line from ./test/tmp/test.log

[5501]MEM: Reload 
in HTML::Embperl::DOC::_23

I've reinstalled Perl/mod_perl/Apache but it makes no difference.

I can require/use CGI with -T in other scripts and am at a loss as to what's 
happening. @INC is fine.

OS: Linux 2.2.10
Perl: 5.005_3
Apache 1.3.9
mod_perl: 1.21
Embperl 1.1.1

Any pointers please.

Thanks in advance


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