>>>>> "Trei" == Trei B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Trei> Indeed there are no "sessions" with HTTP. I did not assume that
Trei> there is some magical "session ID" environment variable that
Trei> Apache provides the developer. Instead I was expressing a desire
Trei> for that type of functionality so that I could develop an
Trei> application with perl which can maintain session state with or
Trei> without cookies.  It's impossible for me to tell my boss that
Trei> I'm developing an application that will only work with
Trei> cookies. I've taken this script on from a previous developer so
Trei> it's time consuming to modify it to append a session id to the
Trei> URI that way.

Trei> What I did assume is that someone in the mod_perl community had
Trei> already solved the problem with a module - and they did
Trei> (Apache::StripSession). It makes sense to handle this in the URI
Trei> translation phase of the request loop.  And I think that there
Trei> are still ways to improve upon this concept.  If we want
Trei> mod_perl to provide us the best possible web development
Trei> environment we need to contend with issues like session state
Trei> without cookies just as ASP and now JSP have.

Uh, you still had to use one of the THREE METHODS I keep talking about:

1) cookies
2) mangled URLs
3) hidden fields

I'm not sure, but it sounds like you're talking about a module that
strips a mangled URL session ID, which is all of five lines in a Trans
handler, and has to be very customized.  And that doesn't make sense
in light of your statement:

Trei> I've taken this script on from a previous developer so it's time
Trei> consuming to modify it to append a session id to the URI that
Trei> way.

So now I'm baffled.  It still seems like you want a magical "session"
variable.  That's NOT POSSIBLE.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
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