> I have a site running Apache-1.3.6, PHP-3.0.9, mod_perl-1.20 on Solaris with
> a Sybase Database. And it has some performance flaws. This site has
> thousands of hits per day (not sure of how many, though) and it should be
> faster (few images, no animations whatsoever).
> Can anybody tell me what could be done here? EmbPerl instead of PHP?
> mod_perl/apache tuning? Should database access be done through PHP or
> mod_perl? When should I use PHP? and mod_perl? do I need both?

Well, which one are you using for talking to Sybase with?  Choosing one or
the other would reduce your memory requirements a bit.  Performance-wise
they really are quite similar.  Choosing one over the other is more of a
personal preference thing.


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