> > Question: does anyone know how to pre-specify the _session_id for the
> > session, rather than allowing Apache::Session to set it and read it? I
> > some posts about it a while back, but no code...
> Isn't it just this?
> tie %session, 'Apache::Session::Foobar', $id;
That only works if the session id already exists. If the session id doesn't
exists, Apache::Session will throw an exception (die)

I run into the same problem with Embperl. I send a patch against
Apache::Session to Jeffery to allow this (and other things), but he didn't
incorporated it and instead created a separte class for it. Since it was
easier to maintain this class is now part of the Embperl distribution.
HTML::Embperl::Session is a sub class of Apache::Session and allows you to
specify the id, even if it doesn't already exists, along with a set of flags
what to do in various cases (create new one, if the id doesn't exists;
create the specified id or die)


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