has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/G/GR/GRICHTER/Apache-ImageMagick-2.0b7.tar.gz
  size: 25457 bytes
   md5: 909cf4e83938de530d55635b202cc040

This release solves the problem with newer version of ImageMagick.

Apache::ImageMagick - Convert and manipulate images on the fly

This module uses the Image::Magick library to process or create an image on
the fly. It is able to convert the source image to any type you request that
is supported by Image::Magick (e.g. TIFF, PPM, PGM, PPB, GIF, JPEG and
Additionaly you can specify (multiple) image manipulation filters in the
additional path info and format options in the query string.
Apache::ImageMagick caches the result image so multiple requested with
the same parameters only needs one computation. To do more sophisticated
manipulation, Apache::ImageMagick can run a script that does the image
manipulation/creation. Last but not least Apache::ImageMagick comes with
a proxy module, that can be linked into a non mod_perl frontend proxy server
and which will delivers cached images which highest possible speed.

Changes since 2.0b5:

2.0b7 28. Sep 2002

 - Updated the list of allowable attribute to write method call, so
   you don't get and unknow attribute error anymore.
 - Added AIMCheckMTime which, when set, cause Apache::ImageMagick
   to compare the modification time of the source and the cached
   image and recompute the result if the source has changed.
 - Added AIMDisableSearch to disable auto conversion of image formats
 - Directory Requests are ignored now, so they can be handled by Apache
   as usual.
 - Add example CGI script in scripts/
 - Start with an test suite. You may run it with perl tst/ but
   it may fail on the test which involves fonts, unless you same the
   same fonts as on my test machine.

2.0b6 28. Feb 2002

 - ImageMagick warnings are only logged, but image is still returned
 - Add CGI::ImageMagick which is a fake Apache request and allows
   to use Apache::ImageMagick as CGI or offline
 - Fix some copy & paste errors, which causes warnings

Gerald Richter    ecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

Post:       Tulpenstrasse 5         D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Voice:    +49 6133 925131
WWW:      Fax:      +49 6133 925152

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